Bloom With Grace

Do you look in the mirror everyday and love the person looking back at you? 

Do you know that many people don't? It's common, and I've been there too. 

For different reasons, people have come to be unhappy with who they are when they look in the mirror and many times what's missing is grace

When we think about who we are as people on the inside or how we view our bodies in the midst of what society deems as "perfect", we find every little flaw and let that dislike bloom like weeds. 

Why can't we just LOVE ourselves? I say Bloom With Grace!

Allow yourself to be a work in progress, and love every bit of who you are and what you look like in the process. You are a beautiful human being and you deserve to feel loved and at peace within!

If you were unkind to yourself or others today, just forgive and be the version of yourself you wanted to be, tomorrow. If you said hurtful things to yourself in your mind, go back to that mirror and tell yourself how wonderful, beautiful, powerful, and resilient you are! 

Grace is so powerful when you realize how it changes the course of everything. When you learn to forgive yourself for all the hurtful things you've done and said, it lifts this heaviness off your shoulders that you wouldn't even know was there until it's gone. When you extend grace to someone else, it relieves you of the burden of holding on to resentment, and it's not for them as much as it is for you, but just letting go of that creates this domino effect of "oh, that's what peace feels like?".

Grace given isn't always as easy as received, and I've had my fair share of difficult moments, but I promise the reward is great.

Bloom With Grace today and watch the beauty spread! 

Love, Rayanne.

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