I Am Enough

“I’m not pretty enough.”

“I’m not smart enough.”

“I’m not a good enough mom or wife.” 

“I don’t have what it takes to get to where I want to be.” 


Anyone else ever feel this way? Well, your mind is a LIAR! 


As a mother there are many times where I feel like I fall short of what it takes to be great. I feel like I don’t read to my kids enough, or feed them enough nutritious food, or take them outside as often as I should. The problem is that sometimes these lies in my mind make me forget that my “best” is good enough. I’m not the perfect mom by any means. My kids eat chicken nuggets and frozen alfredo noodles most days for lunch. They don’t wear the nicest clothes or have the latest shoes or toys and that’s okay, because they are loved more than they will ever know. They will never know what it’s like to have an absent mother. They will never know what being abandoned feels like. They will never feel like they can’t come to me about anything they need or feel unloved by me. So, I am a good freaken mom if I do say so myself!


I am not perfect. But I am trying, and I am doing the best that I can every day. 


Being enough doesn’t mean being perfect. Let go of those expectations. You just keep on moving forward and working on being as happy as possible.


This week’s message is simple. YOU ARE ENOUGH.


You are a good parent or partner. Your body is perfect the way it is. Your IQ doesn’t dictate how caring you are or how big your heart is. Your skin color doesn’t make you more or less than. You are strong enough to stand through every trial. You are beautiful. You are a wonderful human being inside and out, and you are valued beyond a measure of comprehension.


Say these affirmations to yourself in the mirror daily, even if at first you don’t believe them. You can train your mind to start today, because whether you believe them or not, they ARE true.


You don’t need to change the parts of you that you think you need to perfect. You have always been enough and there are people in this world who love you exactly as you are. So please start loving yourself better.


I hope this letter reached you in some way today.

Love, Rayanne 🖤

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