I Am Kind

Practice kindness every day.

    For some, kindness can be difficult to understand. When I come across someone who isn’t being kind to me or others, I try to keep a few things in the back of my mind.

“Maybe they are having a rough time right now.”

“Maybe they have never been shown an ounce of kindness in their life.”

“How can I show them kindness in a way that they will receive?”

    It is easy to say that you’ll treat them the way they treated you, but what does that do for you? Will you feel better knowing that you made them feel as bad as they made you? Will you actually feel at peace with yourself if you reciprocate that negativity?

    Kindness can move in such a momentous way, as it heals the heavy. It puts a smile on our faces and can change the entire dynamic of someone’s day.

     When you are kind, it helps to build positive and uplifting relationships with the people in this world, which in turn creates this domino effect of happiness. It’s not something that takes away from you when you give it out. It fills your cup and lifts your mood. It gives you a new perspective on generosity and empathy.

    When you practice kindness, you are giving grace to others. It is a gift that is sometimes not deserved, but when given it can make such an impact on the lives of others.

    Show a little kindness to someone else today. Watch how it positively affects your day!


Love, Rayanne.



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