I Am Powerful


Find your power. Reach within your spirit and pull on any strings of strength that you have to go about your day. It won’t always be this hard.

    What does it mean to be a “powerful” person? If you’ve ever felt powerless in your life, then maybe you have never realized how strong you are.

    Think back to a time where you thought you’d “never get through this.” You’re reading this right now, so I’d say you made it! How did that realization feel just now? To remember where you were, and to see how far you’ve come; that was your power.

    And maybe you’re still going through whatever that circumstance is but remember that tomorrow will come. It will be another chance to grow, to fight, to learn that you are capable of more than this. You will reach the other side of this hardship. Your growing belief in your power will help you to persevere through the next one, because the difficulties of life never really go away no matter where you are on the totem pole of “success” we like to place ourselves on.

    Some people believe that power comes from how much control they have over others or what their status in life is. This kind of thinking can lead to disappointment when you realize that when all of that is gone, what are you left with? Can you deal with life when you have no “followers” to make you feel strong? When you are struggling, can you find the willpower to push forward? How much power do you really have then if you’ve lost your “control?”

    Being powerful is not about controlling others or your social status, but about how much control you have over yourself. You can’t always stop what happens to you, but you can choose how you deal with it. You have the strength somewhere within you to keep going. You have control over your emotions and how you choose to react to your hardships and the way you treat people. You can control the way you pick yourself up off the floor and do something to make a lasting change.

You are powerful because your control comes from within, and you have everything you need within to get through this.

Keep pushing forward. Believe in yourself.

You are a force to be reckoned with.

Love, Rayanne.

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