I Am Worthy

Repeat after me… 

I Am Worthy… Now believe it. 

You my friend, deserve every good thing in life that you have and everything you are striving to get. Sometimes we have low self-esteem, and it creates this lie in our minds where we think we haven’t done enough to be deserving of something. We often compare ourselves to people who are where we want to be or have what we want, and it makes us feel like we should just give up because it “wasn’t meant to be anyways”. Feelings of unworthiness can stem from many things in life; trauma, mental illness, or simply just watching as other people get there first. 

You may have been told sometime in your life that you don’t deserve it; that job, your life, your happiness. When you were a kid, your parents may have said you weren’t good enough. When you were at work, your boss may have told you that you didn’t meet their expectations for that raise. When you were at home, your partner may have told you that you don’t deserve a break. 

I give all these examples to show you how much we’ve allowed our lives and things we’ve been exposed to, to shape our minds into thinking that we are unworthy. That is just not true, and I need you to start believing that you are just as worthy as those people that you claim are.

You are worthy of a good life no matter where you come from. You are worthy of love, even if your last partner tried everything in their power to make you believe you weren’t. You are worthy of being shown kindness, even if you don’t look like the person next to you or haven't been very kind yourself today. 

You were born worthy of greatness. 

Today is the day you should start believing that for yourself and pouring that belief onto others, because we can spend our whole lives unhappy and without what we want…simply because we think we don’t deserve it. Or we can achieve everything we strive for.. by believing that we do. 


I hope this helped and encouraged you in some way today! 

Love, Rayanne 🖤

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