Trust The Process


Often times I feel lost and don't know which direction I am supposed to go or what to do to fix my situation. I freak out over and over until I am spiraling with anxiety until everything else during my day is just as terrible. Once I take a step back to think, I realize that my biggest issue is having no control over the things I think I should control. I have spent most of my life trying to plan out every little detail, and not to my surprise, it has ruined A LOT of the days that could have been good for me. Over time, I have learned to let go of "some" of that control lol. I am not perfect and still find myself trying to take hold of the reins, but I have implemented a mindset that helps me to stop and breathe when things feel overwhelming. I actively just try to trust the process. 

    How can we possibly "trust the process" when life seems impossible?

    In your moments of desperation when you are on the brink of giving up, find a bit more courage. Trust that your strength and your resilience will get you through this rough patch, because you didn't make it this far on luck. You are a survivor!

   All the setbacks you've faced, you gotten through. Maybe you have a few scars, but they are reminders that you were strong enough to withstand the fight. Trusting the process doesn't mean not to plan out things for your life, or to let go of control. Trusting the process is planning for those moments when things don't go your way. How are you going to remind yourself that you may not be able to control everything that happens to you, but that you can control how you react and change course. 

     The process of going through life is never easy, but trust in your ability to be patient and to withstand the storm. 


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