You Are Needed

This message a little deep this week. 

When I was an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), one of the things I learned was to not make false promises to my patients. As a doctor, nurse, or any kind of medical professional really, to make the promise of "You'll get better." or "You are going to make it." is frowned upon in most cases. The truth to that promise is almost never known, because things change in the blink of an eye and giving someone hope when you can't know the outcome for certain is kind of cruel.

So as I was taught, I never made that promise of "You're going to make it." I would say, "You're in good hands with us." or "You're not alone, I'm right here with you." I wished I could tell them what they wanted to hear because my heart hurt for them, but I would hold their hands and reassure them of what I knew for sure to be true.. That I was right there in the moment they needed someone.

There are moments in life for all of us, where we just want someone to tell us we are going to make it through this. I too have said those same words to others when they are facing a mental battle, and as I sit here now and reflect on what I was taught as an EMT, I am questioning whether or not it was even the best thing to say.

Now speaking of instances where it's not medically related, those words are so easy to use when you want someone to lean on their inner strength to get through a rough patch. I have said the same thing before, because it's just something people say when we are encouraging another to "keep going forward". But are we promising truth that we can't really know for certain? Do you actually know that someone won't lose their fight with their mind or do you just want to believe them to be strong enough? I know that's a hard question to ask yourself, and this post may turn a few heads with the dark truth, but do you actually know the answer? Trust me when I say that I don't ask lightly, because I've been there for others in their darkest hour and encouraging them is what  I did too. 

The mental health crisis all over the world if very real. I go through my own battles every day as do trillions of other people and probably some of you. Some are open about their issues and others hurt in the silence. Some people do in fact make it through, but sadly many don't.

I can't promise you'll make it, nor can I say that you aren't going to suffer. But what I CAN promise each and every one of you, is that y o u   a r e   n e e d e d, and you are not alone! 

You are needed in this life by your family, your children, your friends, your coworkers, and the strangers you pass everyday that you give a simple smile to. Have you ever been mentally drained, and the smile from another person changed your mood even for a split second? When you got a hug, a smile, or a "hello" from someone else after a bad day, did you feel a little better even if for just a moment? 

That is what you do for others! Your light shines in the darkest of places, even when you don't know you shine. Your smile is infectious. Your courage is inspiring. Your heart radiates love to people who need kindness and care.

You are needed in this life, because you are not worthless. You are not a burden. You are not weak, and you deserve to feel just as impactful and important as you have been to the many people who care for you. 

You are a fighter, so fight through this battle and the next one that will inevitably come, because I promise you that you are needed and that you matter. 

I hope that even though this may have been a hard message to swallow this week, that you take it with you wherever you go. Life is hard for us all, but being there for one another is so important. It is the key to our survival; companionship, friendship, and moral support


The National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline in the United States is available 24/7 when you call/text. [988] They are a confidential crisis line that connects individuals in crisis with trained counselors across the United States. People do not have to be suicidal to call – reasons to call include: substance abuse, economic worries, relationships, sexual identity, illness, getting over abuse, depression mental and physical illness, and loneliness.


I hope this encouraged you in some way today, and whoever you are if you need someone to talk to I am here for you, so please reach out to me or someone you are close to. There are many resources both nationally and locally in your area that are here to help! 

Take care of each other. 

Love, Rayanne. 

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